
Who is a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a doctor. Thus, he is a specialist who completed medical studies, and then during further training obtained a specialisation in the field of psychiatry.

A psychiatrist deals with diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. As a doctor, he can use treatment using a range of modern and selective psychotropic drugs, for which he prescribes appropriate prescriptions. Depending on the medical indications, the psychiatrist may issue various types of certificates, including sick leave.

The treatment recommended by the psychiatrist brings relief from a variety mental ailment.

The principle of confidentiality of a psychiatrist

A psychiatrist is bound by strict patient’s confidentiality and the principles of the code of medical ethics.

What does a psychiatrist do and when should you see a psychiatrist?

Most often, the decision to seek psychiatrist’s help is made after many attempts to deal with a crisis – when a person realises, that they cannot overcome it. When should you seek help?

The main decisive factors are the type of symptoms, the way in which these ailments affect daily functioning, the severity of symptoms. It appears that a key factor is long term mental anguish. This anguish can manifest itself in different ways and in different forms. Consider contacting a psychiatrist or psychotherapist if the following persist:

  • constant feelings of uncertainty, sadness, anxiety, threat
  • recurring feeling of helplessness and confusion
  • family crises, marital crises, work crises, escalating situations causing
    a constant desire to withdraw and hide
  • eating disorders (mental anorexia and mental bulimia)
  • neurotic and anxiety disorders
  • somatic ailments caused by stress
  • personality disorders
  • sleep disorders
  • sexual disfunctions
  • depression