Alcohol therapy at the IN-MED Warsaw center

At IN-MED Center, we offer support in the form of individual psychotherapy for those struggling with alcohol addiction. We are an intimate, specialized center, which allows us to focus on the needs of each patient, while providing discretion and a friendly atmosphere. We fully understand that struggling with addiction requires not only specialized knowledge and experience, but also a personalized approach and empathetic support. Our goal is to provide a safe, comfortable place where patients can open up about the difficult process of therapy, confident that their problems are treated with full understanding and discretion.

What does our offer of individual therapy for alcohol addiction consist of?

At the IN-MED Center in Warsaw, we provide individual psychotherapy that focuses on understanding the sources of addiction and developing effective methods of dealing with impulsive desires and mechanisms of addiction. Therapists working with our Center are experienced in working with addicts, offering support on both emotional and practical levels.

Addiction therapy at the IN-MED Center includes several stages:

Consultation to verify the problem of addiction

– along with a preliminary assessment of the severity of the addiction in terms of psychological and biological aspects, assessment of medical, psychological, family, professional and relational functioning.

In the first stage, the therapist conducts a detailed interview with the patient to understand the history of the problem and the main factors that led to the addiction. In an intimate setting, it is easier to create a safe environment in which the patient feels comfortable, which allows for a more authentic, honest conversation and enables the therapist to get to the root of the problem faster.

Understanding the mechanisms of addiction and education

During therapy, patients have the opportunity to learn and understand the mechanisms of addiction that affect their lives, which is crucial to the treatment process. Understanding why it’s so difficult to control the urge to use alcohol, and what the biological and psychological effects of addiction are, is the foundation of therapy. This level of education requires regular meetings that enable the patient to fully understand his or her own reactions and drinking triggers.

Work on developing healthy habits and dealing with triggers

During therapy, patients have the opportunity to learn and understand the mechanisms of addiction that affect their lives, which is crucial to the treatment process. Understanding why it’s so difficult to control the urge to use alcohol, and what the biological and psychological effects of addiction are, is the foundation of therapy. This level of education requires regular meetings that enable the patient to fully understand his or her own reactions and drinking triggers.

Building long-term strategies for maintaining sobriety

For many people with addiction, it is crucial to maintain long-term motivation and continually develop defense mechanisms. Regular meetings with a therapist enable the patient to work on the tools to successfully combat temptations and the difficulties of daily life.

Why aren’t a few meetings enough?

Alcohol addiction is a complex problem, the treatment of which requires time, commitment and support from a specialist. Work with addiction is not based on one-time counseling, but on systematic therapy, during which the patient discovers the causes of his behavior, develops new ways of thinking and develops coping skills. In our work, we meet quite often with patients who refer themselves to us with the conviction that “…they will be healed…” by a series of, for example, 2-3 meetings.

However, a few meetings are not enough to understand the sources and mechanisms of addiction – Addiction is a deeply rooted problem, often resulting from long-standing behavioral patterns and difficult experiences. The therapeutic process requires time to identify these patterns and understand their impact on the patient’s current life.

Too little contact time with the therapist does not allow for the development of effective ways to deal with triggers. Working on coping with the often impulsive urge to use alcohol requires regular monitoring and support from the therapist so that the new habits can become established and become a natural response in difficult situations.

In the process of therapy, patients learn to build long-term motivation and strengthen their willpower. These elements cannot be formed in a few meetings – they require gradual reinforcement in regular sessions so that the patient is prepared for a life without alcohol.

What is the difference between detox and drug therapy?

Many patients have difficulty distinguishing between drug therapy and detoxification treatment.

Detoxification treatment is the process of medically assisting in the removal of alcohol from the body, especially to alleviate withdrawal symptoms, which can be dangerous to health and life. At our IN-MED Center, we do not treat aggravated abstinence syndromes, especially when they are complicated by symptoms of delirium or seizures that require hospitalization.

Drug therapy focuses on long-term psychological and behavioral support, helping the patient understand the mechanisms of addiction, cope with alcohol cravings and build lasting abstinence. Both forms of support are important, but they serve different functions and should often be linked together for effective and lasting treatment outcomes.

Benefits of therapy in an intimate center / Collaborative program between psychotherapist and psychiatrist

The IN-MED center, thanks to its small, intimate nature, provides an exceptional environment for addiction therapy. The intimate setting is conducive to building a close therapeutic relationship and gives the patient a sense of security and complete discretion. For those struggling with addiction who may feel ashamed or apprehensive about revealing their problem, our Center is a place full of acceptance and understanding.

With a small number of people at the Center, therapists and doctors are able to focus on the needs of the individual patient, allowing them to tailor therapeutic methods and fully engage in the treatment process. In some situations, a person presenting for drug therapy may have depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, or withdrawal symptoms, which a cooperating psychiatrist can help with. The doctor can also help the patient work with the therapist by recommending medications to reduce feelings of pleasure from drinking and help maintain abstinence.

At the IN-MED Center we do not provide group therapy for alcohol addiction. However, depending on the specific situation, the therapist arranging with the patient for individual therapy at the Center may determine the need for parallel regular participation in AA meetings.

We invite those looking for professional support to contact the reception desk of the IN-MED Center. We believe that thanks to the individual approach, experience of our therapists and intimate atmosphere, we are able to effectively support patients on the road to health and lasting abstinence.