Anti-smoking therapy Warsaw

Win the battle against nicotine addiction at IN-MED Center

The nicotine addiction treatment program at the IN-MED Center represents a very real opportunity to successfully overcome smoking addiction. At the outset, it is important to know that smoking addiction treatment is effective. However, it requires commitment and real motivation on the part of the patient. The program we offer at the IN-MED Center is an integration of therapeutic and medical treatment. Therapeutic meetings are conducted by an experienced therapist in cooperation with a psychiatrist, who agrees with the patient and the treating therapist on the appropriate pharmacological treatment. The entire therapeutic program is tailored each time to the individual peculiarities of the person coming to us.

The program consists of various stages. Of course, there is no fixed order, but most often at the beginning there is a detailed assessment of motivation and an analysis of previous attempts to quit smoking. The therapist discusses what caused difficulties in the past and what strategies were effective. Even these first meetings allow you to look at previous attempts and so-called “failures” from a completely new perspective. It makes it possible to regain hope that treatment will be something new and finally effective. An indispensable element is psychoeducation, during which the therapist introduces the patient to the topics of health damage caused by the individual’s smoking pattern and topics on the mechanisms of addiction. Understanding these can be crucial to the decision to quit smoking and improve overall health.

The next step is to create a personalized therapeutic plan that includes a variety of therapeutic interventions. Sessions address developing coping skills to deal with stress and situations that trigger impulsive and strong urges to reach for a cigarette. Many people struggling with nicotine addiction may find it difficult to stay motivated and focused on their goal of quitting smoking. Therefore, a component of our program is regular reminders and support to help them not only overcome temporary crises, but also to maintain abstinence in the long term.

An important and effective part of the program is building emotional support in the environment and building a sense of identity associated with changed nicotine-free behavior. Therapy also incorporates relaxation techniques and breathing exercises to help reduce the anxiety and tension that accompanies the process of quitting smoking.

Sessions devoted to dietary tips, physical activity in a situation of fear of weight gain are also an important stage of treatment. In cooperation with a psychiatrist, a tailored type of pharmacotherapy is offered to prevent weight gain.

One of the recommended methods is nicotine replacement therapy (NTZ) – primarily patches (transdermal systems). Why treat nicotine addiction with nicotine? Administration of this substance through transdermal systems, for example, does not induce high concentrations and pulses of nicotine in the brain, as it does when smoking cigarettes. Thus, it does not have such strong reinforcing or euphoric properties. Thus, a steady concentration of nicotine can be provided, which is very helpful in surviving withdrawal symptoms. Other recommended medications include varenicline or bupropion. Pharmacotherapy clearly increases the effectiveness of drug therapy, but it cannot be carried out as the only method of treatment.

The program offers support at every stage of this difficult path, offering not only professional help, but also empathy and understanding. Undertaking treatment contributes to regaining control of one’s life and enjoying the very real health benefits of a life without cigarettes.