Małgorzata Siudy

I provide psychotherapy for adults and adolescents 16 years old or over in a humanistic-experiential approach. I graduated from the renowned and highly valued Certified School of Psychotherapy at the Intra Centre in Warsaw. As a psychotherapist I help people experiencing life crises, and:

  • Anxiety ailments
  • depressive ailments (lack of sense, long-term sadness, feeling of being overwhelmed)
  • somatic and stress related pain
  • prolonged states of fatigue
  • difficulties in relationships
  • experiencing difficult emotions (anger, shame or guilt)
  • loss, mourning
  • emotional crisis
  • failure to deal with conflicts
  • DDA syndrome (people from alcoholic families) and DDD (people from dysfunctional families)
  • Experiencing violence (at school, in the family, in a close relationship, at work).

As part of my practice, I combine humanistic therapy (based on experience, focusing work with body and imaginative work) with elements of behavioural- cognitive therapy (including schema therapy).

My work is supervised regularly.

In addition to an individual therapy conducted at the IN-MED Centre, I also work as a psychotherapist in the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Day Ward (SPZOZ Warszawa Wola-Śródmieście).

‘I believe in the client – in his knowledge of himself, potential, strength, self-care and striving for change. As a psychotherapist, I accompany the client on the path of finding themselves, their needs, experiencing various emotions, taking care of the inner child and striving to realize their own desires.’

I regularly participate in professional training, workshops and conferences improving my professional qualifications.

Here are some of my additional trainings:

  • ‘Methods of psychotherapeutic work with young people’ Centre for Psychotherapy and Development in Search of Self.
  • ‘Meeting with existential demons’ – training in English conducted by renowned psychotherapist from the humanistic and experiential approach – Claude Missiaen from Belgium.
  • ‘Socio-therapeutic assistance course for Children from Families with Alcohol problems’ ETOH Foundation.
  • ‘Supporting the psychosexual development of a child’ and ‘Parenthood and domestic violence’ Department of Social Affairs and Health for the Mokotow District.
  • ‘Diagnosis of children and adolescents with suspected sexual abuse in the family’ Committee for the Protection of the Rights of the Child
  • ‘Non-violent communication in the NVC trend’ Warsaw Centre for Educational, Social and Training Innovations.
  • ‘Working with people who have experienced miscarriage or perinatal loss of a child’. Nagle Sami Foundation

I am a member of the Polish Society of Integrative Experiential Psychotherapy and Social Education Intra Association, which brings together the community of therapists practicing in the humanistic approach in Poland.