
Does anorexia affect only women?
Talking about eating problems – conscious limited food intake and excessive fear of gaining weight – we usually think about women. It is widely assumed

How does psychotherapy work?
Many patients do not know how psychotherapy works before they find themselves in a psychiatrist clinic. Before we go to a psychotherapist, we ask ourselves

Alcohol addiction – are 2 beers a night already a problem?
Apart from cigarettes, alcohol is the most common stimulant in our society. According to CBOS (Public opinion research centre), half of us declare drinking alcohol

Bi-polar affective disorder – constant rollercoaster?
It will be trivial to say that all of us have better and worse days. Even healthy people find that they have productive, creative days

Depression – something more than constant sadness
In recent years there is more talk about depression. People affected by this serious illness are more willing to talk about their problems as there

How to encourage an addicted person to seek therapy?
Addictions have negative effect on our life, health and also relationships with close people. Although they might seem initially harmless, they start to affect us